

Android 365: Day One

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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

So, I just got an Americano from the Starbucks drive-thru, and as I was waiting the rain began collecting on my windshield. I've always liked the look of raindrops on the window, but I've never had my camera ready. So, today I just took this photo with my Droid X. I'm pretty impressed with this "phone", if we can still call them that nowadays. They're more like a small computer than a device solely used for talking.

Then I began thinking that the cameras on these phones are probably much more capable than we give them credit for. I decided that I'm going to explore just how capable they are and push my expectations for photos captured with my phone.

My goal is to take one good quality photo a day with my phone and upload it with the Blogger-Droid app to this blog. I will also be using the Adobe Photoshop Express app for Android to make small tweaks to each photo.

Some days I may feel extra creative and post a series of photos or just random photos taken throughout the day.

So, today (March 19th 2011) marks Day One of Droid Pix. My year long journey into the capabilities of my Droid X's camera.

~Nate (Motorola Droid X)

Update: (March 20th) This is a photo taken on the same day. I will most likely edit text on the computer after posting originally from my phone, since I tend to make a lot more mistakes while typing into my phone. Also, like today, I may want to add another photo to the blog on the day it was taken. In these instances, I will still upload them from my phone and add them to the date they were originally taken. I just want to emphasize that even though they may be added later, the photos have only been taken and edited on a Droid phone.

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

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