

Android 365: Day Six

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Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

It's before noon and I already have my photograph(s)! Yesssssssss :-) I've got another one that I may post, I'm trying to decide if I like it enough.

I went to drop off our recyclables this morning and thought that the glass bin looked pretty cool. It was even better I was throwing my glass containers in and they were shattering into a million pieces! I just might need to take the D700 back there next time and capture the pieces shattering, how cool would that be?

Well, I suppose I'll post my other picture too. It's of my Technivorm coffee maker filter basket while brewing some Sumatra. I thought the colors of the oils on the bubbles were really pretty against the dark brown grounds. The blur in the corner is the water flowing into the basket and a perfect 200F :-) How did it taste you ask? Like perfection in a cup. Here's the other photo below. UPDATE (a few minutes later) So, after seeing the coffee photo on the bigger screen I don't really like it as much. I'll leave it because I said I'd post it... just don't grade me on it, I realize it's not great. Come to think of it... I don't really like the first ones very much either. I'll find a better one throughout the day :-)

Nate (Motorola Droid X)

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

Ok, I'll claim this one as the Day Six photo. This was taken through the front end of our DuaFlex camera. I had the idea earlier when I was loading up our recycling stuff to take one through my old 35mm Minolta. Then I saw the DuaFlex as I was putting some clothes away and thought it'd be fun to try and get a cute one of Liam. I think I succeeded ;-) How can a photo of my son not be cute?

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

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