

Day Ten... In Progress

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So we've made it to the double digits. So far so good. I'm enjoying this project and the feedback I've gotten from it. Thanks for your support and comments.

Yesterday I asked for any suggestions or challenges for photos. I got a few and this morning I tried two of them out. Underwater and children's toys... combined. They were two separate requests, but Meagan suggested combining the two! So, I filled the tub with water, found a cute little rubber ducky, and waterproofed my Droid (aka double bagged it in Ziploc baggies). First I tested a paper towel inside of a zipped bag to see if it would get any bit wet while submerged for 30 minutes. It was dry, so I continued.

To sum it all up in a few sentences. I may have ruined the light I used for yesterdays photo. I thought it was waterproof, turns out it just LOOKS like it is! And on the photo side of things, I'll still be hunting for today's photo as the day goes on. I'll have to figure out a new waterproofing technique for the camera. It didn't focus well through the bags and all the images were a bit hazy. On the bright side, my Droid is dry and survived it's submarine impression.

R.I.P Craftsman LED Worklight

Nate (Motorola Droid X)

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